The art of making good titles

We placed the whole album online ("Until Today Becomes Yesterday", out last year) in streaming for those lazy of you who don't have it yet.

You can find it on Lastfm, totally dying Myspace and SoundCloud. Please, spread out those as much as possible.
"Utby" in Cd format is now available also through distribution via Denovali Records (Germany), Escapartist Records (Germany), Consouling Sounds (Belgium) and Robotic Empire (USA).
Of course everything can be bought directly from us through our merch-store on BigCartel (new t-shirts coming soon!). And if you wanna buy the album on iTunes, here's the link. Thanks Escapartist Records for this.

Also, a tape-version of the album will be out sometimes in the future via Frohike Records. It's going to come with a nice handmade artwork in a super low amount of copies. Updates will follow soon.

Regarding everything else: we are slowing down the shows and focusing on the next release. Nothing will be out before Spring 2011, so it's too early to clearly figure out things. Anyways, new material is sounding more compact and structured to our ears, faster, rawer, and probably heavier I guess. Kind of different from what we have done so far.

Shows will restart on February 2011. Some are set already, some others will be confirmed soon, including a weekend trip in Central Europe, hopefully. For booking, write us at We're in constant search of shows.

We come back soon, stay focused.