
Touring all around Europe with your band for 10 days and having concerts every night are sort of things happening only because some people put all their strenghts and their passion to make them happen.
That's why we feel the word "Thanks" assuming such a simple yet fundamental meaning.
We only want to say THANKS to anyone, at any level, who got involved in our just past European Tour.

We wanna thank Ingo (and Eva) for taking care of the whole plan, finding shows, wrote tons of emails, calling people and so on. No tour would have taken place without you. Thank you so much.

In order of appearance we also wanna thank Hannes, Tesa, Isabella and the other Gurkos @ Pmk, Chris and Our Ceasing Voice, Dresda from Zena, Tomas and Have.To.Be.Distanced for the great hospitality (and for that gallon of apricot liquor as well), everyone at the nice Emil Club in Zittau, Hans, Thomas and everyone in
Audiocæneat, Philipp-Dj Krieger, Jan and the many people who showed up in Dresden, Jul and Sarah from Autonomes Zentrum (and for the greatest breakfast ever), Marie in Lille for being so incredibly nice with us, Eldar and everyone in Kasan, Philipp-Bronze Tiger, the band Selma, Psychodelic People, all the crew at the labyrinthic Bunker in Kiel, all the other bands we shared the stage with and anyone we are forgetting to mention.

Last but not least, we want to thank all the people who came to the shows. Anyone who bought our music and gave us money, prepared us food, provided us beer, gave us a place to stay, took pictures (send'em all!), caught videos, headbanged, laughed and had fun with us. You made this 10 days unique. Thanks. See you all in 2011!